"Difficulties Facing Novice English-Language Teachers", Asian EFL Journal. Volume 24. Issue 4.2. 5-15. 2019.
A. Abdulkareem, "Intermediate EFL Textbooks and Communication Standards: An Analysis of Course Content", TESOL International Journal. Volume 16. Issue 3.1. 177-191. 2021.
A. Abdulkareem, "Digital Terminology in Elementary EFL Textbooks: Exploring the Extent of Learner Exposure", The Asian ESP Journal. Volume 17. Issue 3.1. 126-138. 2021.
A. Abdulkareem, "Evaluating Practicum at Majmaah University from English-Language Student-Teachers' Perspectives.", University of Tabuk Journal for Humanities and Social Sciences. Volume 12. 3-14. 2020.